If the vaccines and the boosters harmed or killed anyone, be assured, we did it for the best of reasons. There were errors made. But they came from compassion and love. Our crime is that we care too much.
After bombing cities in far flung countries, we warmly embrace their refugees.
We do not callously stand by when people’s feelings are hurt. No matter what our governments do, or our politicians say, no matter the number of lives they destroy; we are overflowing with empathy and compassion.
When our media lies, we show them empathy too. We’re in this together. Sometimes to be part of a team you have to ignore the most moral position. If all my neighbors insanely think there is an imminent climate emergency and the Russians are a bloodthirsty Mongol horde, so be it.. And when later it all proves to be false, at least you were not alone in your delusion. If there are women who need you to pretend they are men, and men who want you to treat them as women, where is the harm in it?
The best of all possible worlds
Stephen Pinker has authored a powerful book “Enlightenment Now” which chronicles how there is little to worry about in the world. To be fair, he is a little concerned about the climate. But then there is Patrick Moore’s “Confessions of a Greenpeace Dropout,” and his book “Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom.” Patrick is adamant that there is no climate change, crisis, emergency, or catastrophe. He persuasively contends that the increase in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere is really a godsend. And remember, Patrick was a founder and long-time leader of Greenpeace – and his got a few science degrees too.
Together, Pinker and Moore assure us global poverty has dramatically decreased, crime rates and wars are at an all time low, and that we have defeated famine and scarcity. They portray a world where nature thrives, species flourish, and forests expand. Humanity is not a scourge on the planet, that some would have you believe, but an unmitigated success. While they acknowledge there are areas needing improvement, they steadfastly assert that humans are not terrible stewards of the Earth, and we should all go forward and multiply. Have children, and lots of them, because we need them and what else is there to do?
Contrary to widespread belief, Monsanto is not destroying the food chain. Bleached coral reefs are part of a natural cycle. The reefs are not dying. Likewise, the earth’s temperature fluctuations are part of a natural glacial cycle. Global warming is a temporary phase of a cycle that will soon revert towards a long cooling period. Rather than posing a threat, an elevated level of Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is essential for the survival of all life. According to Patrick, this is incontrovertible.
According to Pinker, there is less racism, misogyny, and homophobia than ever before in human history. People are more accepting of diverse cultures and religions, with fewer fundamentalists or religious fanatics. Women have greater equality, voting rights, employment opportunities, and positions of power, as do gay individuals. We make every effort to assist people with disabilities and provide opportunities for the disadvantaged. In summary, people are inherently wonderful. The question is why do we ignore this good news and instead bedevil ourselves with catastrophic fantasies?
We may not live in the best of all possible world’s but there is no doubt we in the western world are collectively the best of all possible people. Even if our elections are suspect, even if we are lying all the time about the weather, racism, gender, and printing money to bomb countries, and running all manner of Ponzi schemes – things are on the whole pretty good.
YouTube rabbit holes and free-porn sites
We might be obese, rich, slothful, depressed, over-medicated and suicidal, but the good thing is people are nice to each other. At least outside the digital space. No matter how meaningless life might become, you can always go down a YouTube rabbit hole. There is always a free porn channel to kill an afternoon. If things still bother you, throw a tantrum. Tell everyone you cannot cope, that it is all too much for you. Once the world can see that you have entirely lost any dignity, there is little doubt you will be overwhelmed with sympathy.
Confess, we do not need any heroes
The very last thing you want to do is to be some kind of hero. If you fight against the madness, elevate yourself to defend an archaic principle like truth telling, you end up like Assange or Snowden. People only like their heroes in history and movies. Real life heroes make people feel inadequate. We are all flawed and we do not need heroes reminding us of it. If you are presented with a choice between heroism or craven corruption, always choose the later. It is safer. And if you get caught-confess! People are all too ready to forgive you for being as weak as they are.
Where is your gratitude? – yeah-but news
US Officials Admit They’re Literally Just Lying To The Public About Russia | Black Agenda Report